
Showing posts from April, 2015

Surviving Lent

        Wow. I meant to put this up a long time ago, but I've been so so busy that I haven't had much time to write. As most of you know, I gave up makeup for Lent. Over 40 days without makeup!!! To me, Lent is about losing bad habits and begining good ones. You're probably thinking how is makeup a bad habit? Well here's my story.         Makeup is something used to make you look prettier. Which can be a good thing, if thought of in a good way. Many girls in today's society use makeup as a "cover up". Girls feel they are not pretty enough, hate the way they look, or don't like a certain flaw they have. Makeup is used as a way to cover your flaws for the world to see until you get home and uncover reality. Society has stuck this idea of beauty in our heads. Tall, Skinny, Pretty Face, Pretty Hair, Pretty Clothes. Females practically kill themselves daily trying to reach this idea of "perfection".          What I want to know is who decide th


     If you follow me on Twitter (@ninjagymnast18), then you know that I am doing the 100 Happy Days challenge.  The point of this challenge is to appreciate the things in life that make you happy and realize that even on your worst days, there is always something good.       And, for me, that's exactly what this challenge has done. I am currently on Day 33 and I am honestly loving the outlook it has given me. No matter how bad my day seems, there is ALWAYS something to be happy about.       I think it's good for people to realize the good in their life because a lot of it is things we take for granted, such as a roof over our head, an education, and simple things such as food, clothing, and clean water. We are very lucky to live the way we do.       There are two things that keep us from being happy: living in the past and observing others.  Living  in the past can drag you down. What's behind you  doesn't   matter, the future is what needs to be f