
Showing posts from May, 2015

Light vs Dark

           I saw this tweet the other day that said, "You can never gain cold , you can only have the  absence  of heat . It made me think that maybe hatred   doesn't exist , and it's only the  absence of love ." So if this is true, darkness is just the absence of light . So technically,  darkness is  nonexistent .          John 1:5 says,  "The  light  shines in the  darkness , and the  darkness   can never extinguish it ."  If all of this is true, how can darkness overtake the light of Christ?          One way I think of it is you can turn on and off a light , but you  can't flip a switch and turn on and off the darkness . When you turn off the lights , it gets dark . Which similarly applies to our spiritual light . When you turn away from God , your flame burns out and darkness takes it over . But when you turn to God , your fire burns bright . Keep your light shining brightly and keep your life set on God.         "Turn your face

Where is GOD in a TRAGEDY??

        Last year, one of my teachers and I were talking about our faith. She told me that she used to believe in God, but when things took a turn for the worst, she lost faith. She said she didn't understand how such a great and powerful God could let something so horrible happen to her. I've realized this is why a lot of people don't believe anymore.         I've actually been wanting to write about this topic for a while, and as I was scrolling through Pinterest, I found some pretty neat scriptures about this. So I'm going to write about them now.         So where is God in a tragedy? Psalm 23 says "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing . He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for in His name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil , for You are with me , Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. " This chapter is very im