
Showing posts from September, 2015

How To Make Time For Jesus

          Finding time to read and study the Word is  very difficult when you're busy. We are often caught up in our busy schedules and the thought of growing closer to God does not even cross our mind. Here's some ways to add some devotions into your day: 1. Before School or Work            Getting up an extra 5 minutes earlier will not kill you. Take a few minutes to read the bible or a devotional in the mornings while you are getting ready or eat breakfast. 2. During Your Lunch Break           For me, this is the best time of day to sit down and focus of my relationship with God. I almost always take time to open up my Bible app and read the daily verse or a short devotional. You can do this while you eat which makes it even better! 3. Before You Go To Sleep           I'm usually pretty tired at this point, but if you are busy all day, this is the best time for you. Curl up in bed with your Bible or phone app and spend some quality time with God. Maybe you'l