Lent 2017

          Lent is a 40 day long fast which starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter.  The 40 days represents the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness resisting temptation from the devil.  To learn more about Lent and the Methodist beliefs, click here.

          As Ash Wednesday approached, I thought a lot about what I wanted to give up for Lent this year.  I honestly could not think of anything to give up.  I spent a lot of time thinking about things in my life that distract me from God that I needed to get rid of.  Number one on my list was my phone.  I debated for days on this one... should I really give up my phone for a month and a half?  I made a list of things that I do on my phone that are a distraction-- texting, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and a few games.  I often find myself scrolling through my social media feed instead of doing homework, writing blogs, reading a book, or spending time with the people around me, and most importantly I often chose reading tweets over reading my Bible or devotional. 
          Social media has become almost like an addiction in today's society.  People often spend so much time scrolling through their feed that they forget to focus on the things that are actually important.  Instagram and Twitter have become homes of unhealthy comparison.  Teens and adults subconsciously compare themselves to others on these sites and begin to feel as if they are not enough-- not pretty enough, not smart enough, not athletic enough, not tall enough, not skinny enough.  People struggle with depression, anxiety, and insecurity because of the things they see on social media sites including posts, comments, and pictures.  Instead of seeking their value in God, today's generation turns to the world to find their worth.  People define their self-worth based on how many followers they have on their account and by the number of likes and comments on their selfies.  Our generation is so caught up in what's happening on the internet that God is being pushed out of our lives and the world is being welcomed in. 
          For Lent this year, I am giving up social media.  From March 1 to April 16, I will not be using my Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest account.  On top of my social media fast, I will be limiting the amount of time that I spend on my phone each day and will focus more on the people and things around me and dig deep into the Word of God.  I hope that at the end of this 40 day journey, I will have less insecurity and be more secure in God's love for me instead of looking to others to define my worth.
I wish the best of luck to all those fasting during this time of Lent and I pray that you will have the strength and endurance to push through these next 40 days!

"The ashes mean I am a sinner. The shape of the cross means I have a Savior."

To read my Lent posts from the last two years, click the links below:


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