
Showing posts from August, 2017

God's Comfort In The Midst Of Chaos. #Pray4Houston

          It is so calming to know that in all of our troubles, God is there to comfort us. No matter how bad the situation gets, God never leaves us. He never gives up on us. He sticks with us till the end. And He calls us to spread His comfort and love with those around us.           This week has been devastating for many families in Texas, including some that I know personally. Now is the time for us to pray for those who lost their lives, who lost loved ones, who lost their homes, their schools, their work places, and their churches due to Hurricane Harvey, and to pass on the comfort that God has given us to those who are affected by the storm.           Knowing that God gives us comfort in the midst of trouble makes each day a little easier. Spread God's love and comfort today. #Pray4Houston 

The Past is Washed Away

          While on vacation this summer, I spent a few days at the beach. One morning while walking along the shore, I was fascinated by the way the waves rolled up and washed away my footprints. As I looked behind me and saw that my past steps were gone, it really put in to perspective what our Savior does in our lives.           Sometimes in life we go through situations that leave us with unwanted memories. Sometimes it is a bad decision, a conflict, an addiction, or an argument or break up with someone you love. We all go through hard times that fill us with pain and regret that we feel will follow us around forever. We get filled with this anger towards ourselves bringing on unnecessary self-doubt and self-hatred. What if I told you that your past sins are forgiven and you can walk freely as a child of God?           Just like the waves washed away my footsteps, God washes away our past, our greatest sins, and our biggest regrets. Once my footsteps were washed away, I coul

Perserverance in Trials || Juliana Travis
