Lent 2015

     One of my favorite times of the year has arrived. Lent season. Don't ask me why its one of my favorites, it just is. There's something truly amazing about struggling to do more of something or to not doing something and spend more time with God.
     Last year I gave up all drinks except water. I will admit at first I really hated drinking water, but now it has become part of my daily life and I really don't drink much of anything else.
     This year I want to take it further. I want to give up more and do more. I want these things to become habit and carry out with me even after Lent is over. I want them to be part of my daily life.
     One goal I made for 2015 is to learn to love myself more for who I am and to be what I want, not what others want or what others think of me. One thing on my list of Giving Up For Lent is makeup. No matter how bad a pimple I have or how bad my dark circles look (because anyone who knows me also knows they are like black holes), I will not cover it up with makeup. The only exceptions are if I'm told to, such as a drill team performance or other appearance in which I need it. I think society gives us an ugly opinion on what beauty is and I do not want to accept it anymore. So here I go, learning to love myself without these "necessities" because I am beautiful naturally just how God made me.
   Another thing I am going to do is start a devotional that I will read daily. I will also spend more time in prayer and studying His word so I can build a stronger relationship with the One who created me. 
     These are the things i am giving up/doing more of for Lent. I would love to hear yours!

1 Peter 3:3-4:

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."


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