
Showing posts from June, 2015

GO>>ON---Youth 2015

        I just got back today from Orlando, Florida, a.k.a. the place that changed my life for the better . Youth 2015 is a nation wide Methodist convention for youth. We spent the last few days surrounded by over 4,000 people growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ and learning many things we need to know as Christians.          The theme for Y15 was GO>>ON . As Christians, we are disciples. God is calling us to do  something no eye has seen and no ear has heard. WE CAN'T STAY HERE! We must keep going. Don't let where you are now keep you from where God wants you to be.          We covered many very important topics in the few days we were at Y15 . There are many more that I can blog about and if you'd like to hear them, let me know and I will post. This experience is truly a blessing from God and I can't thank Him enough for allowing me to go and learn and go on to spread His word. This was a life changing experience and I'm never going back to

Why Are We Ashamed?

        82% of the world has faith . 1/3 of that faith is Christianity. 32% of all the people in the world are Christians. But when it  comes down to testing their faith, how many of them will fight for what they believe in?         When someone asks a questions about your beliefs, are you brave enough to openly talk about your faith? Many Christians would turn down the opportunity to spread the word. The question is why would we as God's children turn that down when He clearly says to spread His Word?          The truth is we are ashamed . Here's why: 1. We don't know our Bibles.         You may be thinking, "Oh, I know my Bible pretty well. I have lots of verses memorized, etc, etc..." Truth is, most of us have not read the entire Bible. We haven't deeply studied it. We don't know what most of it means. We don't know the full extent of God's Word. We're confused, which makes us feel ashamed. 2. We forget that God is working.