Why Are We Ashamed?

        82% of the world has faith. 1/3 of that faith is Christianity. 32% of all the people in the world are Christians. But when it comes down to testing their faith, how many of them will fight for what they believe in?
        When someone asks a questions about your beliefs, are you brave enough to openly talk about your faith? Many Christians would turn down the opportunity to spread the word. The question is why would we as God's children turn that down when He clearly says to spread His Word? 
        The truth is we are ashamed. Here's why:

1. We don't know our Bibles.
        You may be thinking, "Oh, I know my Bible pretty well. I have lots of verses memorized, etc, etc..." Truth is, most of us have not read the entire Bible. We haven't deeply studied it. We don't know what most of it means. We don't know the full extent of God's Word. We're confused, which makes us feel ashamed.

2. We forget that God is working.
        God is ALWAYS at work. Whether we see it or not, He is working in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We forget that He sends people into our lives for a reason. Maybe the person He sent to ask us about our faith needed some answers so they could start building their own as a Christian. You could be the person to bring a new member to Christ's family, but you can't because you're too ashamed to talk about it.

3. We don't know ourselves.
        This one is big to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm not myself, I'm just who everyone else wants me to be. When I sit down and think about it, it makes me ashamed. It's like I have 10 masks that all look and act differently, and I wear a different one depending on who I'm with. And honestly, I hate that. So when someone asks me about my beliefs, sometimes it's like I don't know how to answer because I don't want to mess something up with someone else. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this either. It makes you feel so ashamed knowing you can't answer a simple question because of other people's influence on your life.

        The truth is we are ashamed because we don't know enough. Study the Bible more, remember God is working, and evaluate yourself and how others influence your life. It might be time to let some things go, so you can focus on what's really important.


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