How To Make Time For God During The Busyness of Life

          Wow! I've been so busy with school and other activities that I haven't blogged in almost two months... a HUGE topic of my blog today. 

           Before I get into my post, I wanted to give a final update on the results of my Lenting. My giving up portion of Lent went very well. I had a few "mini Easters" along the way (which are totally acceptable) but overall I did a pretty good job with my fasting. Now that Lent is over and I have gone over 40 days resisting the urge to eat sugary, delicious desserts and candies, I actually do not have the desire to constantly eat these unhealthy things. 
          Now for the doing portion of Lent I did not do so well on. I was supposed to write a letter to someone who inspired me every day or every other day of Lent. I think I wrote a total of one letter the entire 40 days... Oops! I will most likely try this again in the future and will definitely be more dedicated to getting it done.

Now time for the main topic in today's post:
          As human beings, we are always busy with something-- school, sports, practices, work, lessons. There is always something distracting us from what is really important-- GOD. So the question is how can we make time for God in our crazy busy lives?
          There is a simple answer: Set apart about 30 minutes each day to spend as a quiet time for you and God. Here are a few ideas on how to spend your quiet time:

1. Journaling

          Journaling in a journaling Bible or a notebook are both great ways to spend time in His word. Pick a verse, think about the verse for a little while, pray about the verse, and then draw or write whatever comes to mind to express the meaning of the verse. This can be a simple picture or sentence or even a paragraph explaining your interpretation of the verse. 

2. Devotionals

          Using a devotional book is also a great way to focus your mind on God. You can purchase one at a store like Lifeway or even download one for free on the Holy Bible app or any other devotional app for your phone or other device. I am not currently doing a devotional but I would recommend the many options on the app which also includes a reminder system to remind you to read your devotional for the day (my favorite part!)

3. Bible Pinterest Board

          If a majority of your life is spent on Pinterest (like mine) then starting a board to pin Bible verses, quotes, and other Christian things could be a fabulous idea for you! Click here to view my Christian Pinterest board.

4. Follow Christian accounts on Social Media

          I follow many Christian accounts on Twitter and Instagram that post motivational quotes and Bible verses daily. I do not have any examples at the moment but if you search for Christian accounts, you will be sure to find plenty! These accounts are a good way to get in some scripture time each day-- even if it is just as you're scrolling through your feed.

5. Watch Christian YouTube videos

          I personally love to watch Spoken Word videos like the ones the Anima Series makes. There are many other Christian YouTubers out there, this account is just my favorite. You can learn many new things just from watching a simple four minute video. Anyone can take four minutes out of their way to watch a Godly video.

6. Go Outside

          Getting outside with nature gives you a lot of time to think. Think about God and His beautiful creations. Take time to pray in the silence. Nature is a beautiful thing that God has created and is a wonderful place to reconnect with Him.

          These are just a few simple ways to be spend time with God each day. My challenge to you this week is to take more time each day to learn about God and build your relationship with our Savior.


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