A Letter To The Girl Struggling With Depression

          You feel sad. You feel alone. You feel hopeless. You struggle to make it through the next day. You feel unimportant and unworthy. You feel like you are drowning in a sea of sorrow and shame. You wonder if you will ever feel happy again. 
          Satan tricks you into thinking that you are not good enough leading you to a depressed state of mind. He tells you that you are behind and you will never be successful. Eventually, you fall so deep into this pit of depression that you see no light, no way out, and you start to feel numb. You wish you could change it, but see no hope in trying. You don't see a point in living another day. 
          But God gave you this mountain to show others that it can be moved. Whatever struggle is causing your depression, it will be overcome when you let Christ consume your mind. He will show you what pure joy looks like. He will comfort you and provide for your needs. He will conquer your fear and doubt. The only source of pure joy is right beside you. He never leaves you. 
          You must remember that you can't control the situation and trying to manipulate it is only going to hurt you more. God says, "I will fight the battle for you, you need only to be still." And He means exactly what He says. The storms may rage on around you, but God will calm your heart and mind. The pain will not last forever, and joy will come again.
          Pray, pray, pray. Let God know the deepest, darkest parts of your heart. Tell Him your struggles, your fears, your regrets, and your doubts. Ask Him to show you the light and to help you be filled with His joy again. He will rescue you from the pits of depression, you need only to be still.

Romans 8:18
Matthew 5:4
Exodus 14:14


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