
Showing posts from March, 2018


I have officially launched my new website at   Go check it out!!!


I have officially launched my new website at   Go check it out!!!

Why I Base My Life on Proverbs 31 || Be a Proverbs 31 Woman

“Be a Proverbs 31 Woman” is a sentence that I have used as a basis for my day to day life for the past couple years. I chose this statement because Proverbs 31 gives a wonderful example of the Christian woman’s characteristics and how I should live as a Christian girl. I don't always follow it perfectly, but it is a standard that I have set for myself. The most valuable characteristic in my opinion is her faith. Verse 30 says that she “fears the Lord,” which shows her reverence of God. She serves the Lord with everything she does, with her heart, mind, and soul, and seeks to follow His will for her life. The virtuous woman cares about her health and beauty. She knows her worth (verse 10) and cares for her body. She has an inner beauty that comes only from Christ. Verse 25 says, “She is clothed in strength and dignity and can laugh at the days to come.” This is exactly how I want to be clothed — with God’s strength and unafraid of what will come tomorrow. She uses h


          Have you ever felt like you've sunk? Hit rock bottom, failed, or gotten stuck?            What happens if a boat isn’t built with the correct materials? It sinks. What happens if its load is too heavy? It sinks. What happens if it gets a crack or hole in it? It sinks.            Just like a boat can sink, our lives can sink too. If our strength isn't found in Jesus Christ, we can't have the correct materials to stay afloat. God is the sole provider of everything that we need to live joyful, fulfilling lives. Without God in us, we don't have the tools and resources to keep our boats from sinking.            Our lives can easily become overwhelmed with stress, anxiety, and other problems that weigh us down. You have to be cautious about how these things are pulling your life. Is your stress chained to your ankle like an anchor pulling you down? Take a step back and evaluate what is dragging you down in your life and what you can do to fix it. Things