Why I Base My Life on Proverbs 31 || Be a Proverbs 31 Woman

“Be a Proverbs 31 Woman” is a sentence that I have used as a basis for my day to day life for the past couple years. I chose this statement because Proverbs 31 gives a wonderful example of the Christian woman’s characteristics and how I should live as a Christian girl. I don't always follow it perfectly, but it is a standard that I have set for myself.
The most valuable characteristic in my opinion is her faith. Verse 30 says that she “fears the Lord,” which shows her reverence of God. She serves the Lord with everything she does, with her heart, mind, and soul, and seeks to follow His will for her life.
The virtuous woman cares about her health and beauty. She knows her worth (verse 10) and cares for her body. She has an inner beauty that comes only from Christ. Verse 25 says, “She is clothed in strength and dignity and can laugh at the days to come.” This is exactly how I want to be clothed — with God’s strength and unafraid of what will come tomorrow.
She uses her resources wisely. She works hard to earn her own profit and considers what she buys before purchasing it. (verse 16 & 24) She only purchases what will be beneficial to herself and her family. She uses her time wisely and works diligently to complete her tasks. (verse 13 & 27) She doesn't waste her time on things that are not pleasing to God.
One of my favorite verses from this chapter is verse 20. It states, “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” As I strive to make the world a better place, this verse inspires me to keep going, even when I feel like I've hit a way. I set a goal to raise money for the Water Project and I sponsor a child through Compassion, which is my way of opening my arms to the poor. While managing the events and funds can be stressful, these two things I do are really pretty easy. The hard part for me is honestly my blog and YouTube channel. This is my way of extending my hand to the needy — by sharing God’s word to those who need to hear it. Finding time to sit down and write or film is extremely challenging. The most challenging part is thinking of new ideas to talk about and finding the perfect way to say it. When I am at a loss for words and wonder if keeping up my blog is really worth it, this verse pushes me to keep writing and keeping sharing the amazing love of God.

This is just the beginning of why I love Proverbs 31. If you haven't taken the time to read through and study this chapter, please take the time do it. You wont regret it. I learn something new every time I read and pray over these verses. Be a Proverbs 31 Woman.


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