How we as Christians should respond to ISIS

          ISIS is a popular topic in today's news. Over 170,000 deaths have been recorded and they aren't finished yet. People all over the world are worried and scared. Here's how we should respond to ISIS as Christians.

-They are proof of the devil's work.
          ISIS is driven by the devil's power. They represent lost individuals who have been tricked into believing a lie. Satan's power mixed with the evil nature of humans can create the worst situations imaginable.

-They will get what they deserve.
          God knows everyone's motives and actions, and He will give each person what they deserve. Psalm 28:4 says, "Repay them for their deeds and for they evil work; repay them for what their hands have done and bring back on them what they deserve."

-What we can do as Christians.
          As Christians, we can use our Bibles to fight back. I read an article about an ISIS trainer who turned to the Bible because he was "sick of killing." Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty even said "Convert 'em or kill 'em." The Bible holds the answers, all you have to do is read them and share them.

          Matthew 10:33 says, "But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father in Heaven." Christians should not be ashamed of what they believe. Our beliefs are the key to a better future for everyone. If every Christian joins together, we can change the world. ISIS may be killing us for what we believe, but unlike them we will spend our eternity in Heaven instead of in a dreadful hell. 


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