Why Our Relationship With God Can Seem Hard

          Sometimes it seems like we have unrealistic ideas about what a relationship with God consists of.  Many people see it as "Oh, I'm saved now, my sins are forgiven, I have a fresh start, I can do what I want and nothing bad will ever happen to me again."  However, this statement is wrong in so many ways. 
          God says, "Come as you are. Bring your brokenness, your sin, your shame, your guilt... bring it all to Me and I will give you rest."  Sounds easy right? But God also says that it will not be easy. In order to follow Christ, the Bible says, "We must deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him."  We must give up everything to truly submit to His ways and this is extremely difficult.  God says in John 16:33, "I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation.  But take heart, I have overcome the world."  The world will shoot you down and make you feel worthless with harsh words, unrealistic expectations, and hate.  Find your worth in God because you are His perfect artwork and in Him you will find peace and truth and love. 
          When you accept Christ into your life, He will change it in ways you could never imagine because He loves you.  The paths He places you on will seem difficult and not worth the pain, but He will be with you through it all, and in the end, He will reward you for those hard times with things that you never knew you needed.  
          Living life as a follower of Christ is not a comfortable journey, but it is a fulfilling one.


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