Focus on the Good

           This past year has been a rough, heavy load for me.  I had controversy with my best friend, went through a tough break up, prayed for recovery of the people closest to me, lost loved ones, and struggled with my own emotional stability.  Over the past few months, a key phrase that I have spoken over my life continuously is "Focus on the Good." 
          About 6 months ago, I fell into a depressed state where I just couldn't find a reason to be happy.  I overthought everything, I skipped meals, I laid awake in bed at night wondering where everything went so wrong. I got to a point where I didn't really want to wake up and struggle through the next day. I wish I could tell you that things have changed and I am better now, and while some things have gotten better, I am still in the pit of depression. I struggle with insecurity and I let my negative thoughts and the unkind words of others define who I am.  I feel unworthy, unwanted, and unloved. 
          In the picture above, one direction shows darkness but when you turn around you see the beauty of a lovely sunset.  This is much like our lives.  Sometimes we get stuck on the dark side. We battle with insecurity, pain, regret, doubt and fear.  We look around us and all we see is more darkness with no hope of finding light.  However, if we just turn around we will see the light.  We will see God's goodness and love.  We will feel hopeful and whole.  We will feel unashamed of what happened in the past and unafraid of what will come in the future.  When we focus on the light, the darkness cannot over come it. 
           "Focus on the Good" has been the key helping me to overcome depression.  Take your eyes off the negative words and thoughts that come from you and from others and replace them with the truth, God's truth, that He speaks over your life.  You are loved more than you will ever know, you are worth more than rubies, and you are wanted by someone who died for your sins so that you could know Him.  I challenge you to find the light. Run to God's goodness and love. Don't look back because you aren't going that way.  And always "Focus on the Good."

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things." -Proverbs 4:8

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." -John 1:5


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