6 School Essentials

        Every year students all over the world go back-to-school shopping. Since I decided to expand my blog to cover more topics and school is just around the corner, I decided to write a back-to-school blog. I didn't want to do a typical back-to-school haul, so I'm doing things you wish you had while at school. Here are a few things you wouldn't normally add to your shopping list, but are definitely some essentials. (Well they are for me anyway)

1. Some kind of lip product.

        Whether you're a boy or a girl, your lips get dry. Chapstick, lip balm, lip gloss, lipstick... whatever your choice is. Just make sure you have some in your bag!

2. If you wear makeup...
        An essentials for every girl who wears makeup is oil blotting sheets. Even if you don't think your face gets oily, it does. You need them! Another essential is powder to touch up your makeup throughout the day. Blot first, powder second!

3. Ponytail holders and bobby pins.

      These are definitely necessary! Ponytail holders are needed for those times when you just want to put your hair up. You also never know when your ponytail holder in your hair will break, so you always want a back up. If you're like me, you always have hair falling out of your up-dos or hanging in your face. Having bobby pins to tame those hairs always helps.

4. Keep it clean.
        Hand sanitizer or wipes are another great thing to have. There have been many times I have needed to wash my hands but wasn't able to. I also don't like the way the soap at my school smells, so having good smelling hand sanitizer is a great thing for me. Plus you never know when you'll touch some gum under the desk!

5. Bad breath? No problem.

        You know we have all had bad breath at some point. And we have all smelled someone's bad breath.  Having nasty smelling breath won't be a problem for you if you have gum and mints in you bag! 

6. If you're a girl...

        If you're a girl, having some feminine hygiene products is the #1 essential. You always want to be prepared because, let's be honest, asking someone for a pad or tampon is a little embarrassing! Keep some in a small makeup bag or coin purse in your backpack.


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