Be The Good

     "Who am I really telling this to?” I ask myself as I send a text saying they “seriously need to rethink their relationship with God.” As I journey through the tough teenage years, I sometimes find myself less in touch with the Word and more in touch with the world. High school is a difficult place to build a strong relationship. With anyone honestly. There’s so much distraction. Temptation, gossip, relationships, even school work; it all distracts from what’s really important. Taking difficult classes and trying to keep my grades up along with all of my extracurricular activities I find it harder and harder as I get older to keep my faith strong. I have very little time to study His Word besides at church and youth group. 
     Every summer I go to church camp(s) and it always lights a little fire it my soul. It usually lasts until about the time school rolls around and then the fire slowly dies out. My biggest problem is that I always try to change and please people mostly to get them to like me. When it doesn’t work out how I wanted, I get insecure and practically shut down. “I’m not good enough” is a popular thought in my mind. I live in constant fear that even if I try my hardest for everyone to be happy, I’ll never be good enough. 
     One thing I’ve come to realize is I don’t need to make everyone else happy as long as I’m happy myself. I don’t need to change for other people, only for myself. Whenever you can be happy in your own skin, it shines out like radiant diamonds and affects those around you. Happiness is contagious. As well is depression. Do you really want to be around someone who's sad and brings you down all the time? Or would you rather be around someone who is consistently happy and lifts you up along with themselves? Be that person.
     Be the good you want to see in the world! And the easiest way to do that is to keep your relationship with God stronger than anything else in your life. Rethink that relationship and take the challenge of keeping him in first place.

“Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.” -1 John 4:4


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