
Showing posts from January, 2015


Take a glass plate.  Drop it on the ground.  It shatters.  Beat it with a hammer.  Hundreds of pieces.  Pick up the pieces.  Now put it back together.  You can't, can you?      Trust. By dictionary definition, trust is the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc . Building trust with someone for the first time isn't really all that hard... but once it breaks, it's one of the hardest things ever to get back. Today, trust is practically nonexistent. You think someone will keep a secret, but then they go around showing people your messages and telling everything you've said. People you thought were your bestfriends are suddenly going behind your back spreading things you didn't necessarily want people to know about. You lose friends, you lose relationships. Everything changes. TRUST BREAKS.       The plate represents the trust between two people. It's really hard to mend what's been broken. In any situ

The Daily Life Of A Charmer

     **By request** My first year as a Charmer has been a great experience! I was asked what the daily life of a Charmer is like, so let's start from the beginning.       Football season consisted of 3 hour after school practices in the hot sun. Sounds horrible right? It honestly wasn't that bad though, as long as you had a big jug of ice water! We got some very pretty tan lines from our workout clothes and boots. Haha.       The practices were not dreadful. I will admit there were some days that were so hot you thought you were going to die, but no matter how bad it got, it all payed off on Friday nights.       Being under those  Friday night  lights is a feeling I can't even put into words. Cheering and dancing in the stands is SO fun. But NOTHING can compare to being on the field at halftime. You just have to experience it to understand how great it is. I can't even explain.       After football is over, competition preparations begin. You begin after school

The Bigger Picture

Good morning from the clouds! I am currently flying to New York City with my drill team! So exciting! Here's a picture of my current view:      Let's take it back to the beginning. The VERY beginning. You know like, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."      It's hard to believe that the earth used to be a dark, empty place. The beautiful place we see now, once did not exist. God said "Let there be light, let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water, let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear, let the land produce vegetation, let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night and to give light to the earth, let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth, let the land produce living creatures, and

Inspiring Myself As Well As Others

           This quote has been in my favorites for a very long time. It means a lot to me. I’ve had people tell me multiple times that I have made an impact in their life. But I don't think it really hit me until I started blogging.       Many people have told me they love my blog. A TBH (To Be Honest) I received from one of my close friends on Instagram really hit home with me for the quote above. I thought I’d share it with you, so here are the parts that stood out to me: “Your blog posts are inspiring and I hope you never quit doing them because they have inspired me in ways that you have no idea… I love how positive you are and the different outlook you have on life now with a blog.”      I honestly LOVE that people find my blogs to be inspiring. That was actually one of my goals when I decided to start. I want to change people’s lives. Bringing others to God is a big thing I want to do. I saw blogging as an opportunity for that. I didn’t expect as many people

Faith, Hope, and Kidney Stones

     As many of you know, for the past two or so weeks I have been very sick with a kidney stone. For those of you who have never had one, I'll sum up my experience with it for you.      About 4:30 a.m. on the first day of break I woke up with excruciating pain in my back accompanied by throwing up. Not exactly how i wanted to start Christmas break. A few hours later, I was back to normal like nothing had ever even happened. I was fine the rest of the day until the next morning when the pain started again. My mom took me to the urgent care where I threw up non-stop. They ran some tests and decided I just had a bug and sent me home with nausea medicine.       Sunday morning I woke up pain worse than any I've ever been through. I could not stop throwing up. My mom decided to take me to the Emergency Room. The 30-45 minute trip to get to Trinity Mother Frances felt like forever. If you've seen "The Fault In Our Star" then you'll understand this comparison. T

Changing Life

     One of the greatest things I think I've ever heard is that YOU can't change someone's life. God has to do that. No matter how hard you try to convince them to be better, God is the One who decides if it happens or not. He has to open up their heart to what you are saying. God may choose you to be the deliverer of His Word to them or He may have a better idea to open their eyes to the Truth. Whether it's your best friend, your boyfriend, or someone else, you can't change their ways unless God has it in His plan for them.      You can try all you want, but after a while of spending time with them, their unholiness will start to take over your life instead. While you may want to be the light for them, their darkness is slowly putting out your fire. You're getting contaminated by them.      So even if they are your boyfriend or best friend, it's time to take a break from them. If they aren't living for God they are probably holding you back. But you n

New Year, New Me..?

     Well it's time to close 2014 and open the new year. This year has been one of the most emotional, eye-opening, and unforgettable years of my life. I've learned so much from everything I've been through. It's been a rough year, but I don't regret any of it and I wouldn't want it any other way. Without all the struggles, I wouldn't have made all the realizations.      As the new year begins, I'm taking all these things into consideration as I plan to make better decisions and have a better mindset. I am not obligated to be who I was. I want to live for Jesus and I'm aware that I will have people trying to pull me away from that. Friends support growth and anyone who tries to bring me down is obviously not my friend. God has so much in store for me and for you. I'm not going to lower my standards to keep temporary people in my life anymore. If I can't honor God with them, they serve no purpose in my life.      There are many habits I need