Faith, Hope, and Kidney Stones

     As many of you know, for the past two or so weeks I have been very sick with a kidney stone. For those of you who have never had one, I'll sum up my experience with it for you.
     About 4:30 a.m. on the first day of break I woke up with excruciating pain in my back accompanied by throwing up. Not exactly how i wanted to start Christmas break. A few hours later, I was back to normal like nothing had ever even happened. I was fine the rest of the day until the next morning when the pain started again. My mom took me to the urgent care where I threw up non-stop. They ran some tests and decided I just had a bug and sent me home with nausea medicine. 
     Sunday morning I woke up pain worse than any I've ever been through. I could not stop throwing up. My mom decided to take me to the Emergency Room. The 30-45 minute trip to get to Trinity Mother Frances felt like forever. If you've seen "The Fault In Our Star" then you'll understand this comparison. The scene where Augustus is at the gas station and calls Hazel Grace for help and he's a total wreck was much how I felt in that moment. 
     We arrived at the hospital and it had gotten even worse. They got me in a room as quickly as they could and began to give me medicine. I had a dose of nausea medicine and pain killer through an IV. But it didn't change a thing. After throwing up some more, I was given a nausea shot which didn't help. The nausea was being caused by the intense pain. Two more doses of pain killers later, I was finally calm. I was taken back to get a CT scan and they found a small stone near my bladder. They said it would pass soon so I was sent back home with prescriptions.
     The pain has been off and on since and, as far as I know, I haven't passed it yet.
     So you may be wondering why I'm telling you this story. Believe it or not it has a good point behind it! Take a look at this quote:

     When I was having the worst of the pain, I literally thought I was dying/going to die. No matter how bad the pain was though, it always felt like it would never end. Sometimes it would last an hour and sometimes it would last half the day. 
     My point with this is no matter how bad it gets, it will always end. No matter what the situation is there's always a way to get through it even if it isn't so easy. Sometimes all I had to do was throw up to feel better. I'm not saying you should throw up on your problems to make them go away even though that might work for some things. Just keep your head up and keep on going and eventually it will all subside. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, it would start to end. 
     NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! Things will always get better. :)


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