Inspiring Myself As Well As Others


     This quote has been in my favorites for a very long time. It means a lot to me. I’ve had people tell me multiple times that I have made an impact in their life. But I don't think it really hit me until I started blogging. 
     Many people have told me they love my blog. A TBH (To Be Honest) I received from one of my close friends on Instagram really hit home with me for the quote above. I thought I’d share it with you, so here are the parts that stood out to me:

“Your blog posts are inspiring and I hope you never quit doing them because they have inspired me in ways that you have no idea… I love how positive you are and the different outlook you have on life now with a blog.”

     I honestly LOVE that people find my blogs to be inspiring. That was actually one of my goals when I decided to start. I want to change people’s lives. Bringing others to God is a big thing I want to do. I saw blogging as an opportunity for that. I didn’t expect as many people to view it and love it as much as they do. It has only been a little over a week since my first post and I’ve already almost gotten 500 views. The number of views grows daily and I really hope the number of followers Jesus has does the same!
     Blogging has also helped me grow my relationship with Him myself. The constant reminder I have in my head to write is also a reminder to be more like He is. I would say I have a more positive outlook on life now. I don't let things get in my head as much. When I’m feeling down or I’m stressed or frustrated, I brainstorm and write and it’s like it all disappears.

     While I’ve inspired others with my blog, I’ve also inspired myself. And I hope I continue to do so.


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