New Year, New Me..?

     Well it's time to close 2014 and open the new year. This year has been one of the most emotional, eye-opening, and unforgettable years of my life. I've learned so much from everything I've been through. It's been a rough year, but I don't regret any of it and I wouldn't want it any other way. Without all the struggles, I wouldn't have made all the realizations.
     As the new year begins, I'm taking all these things into consideration as I plan to make better decisions and have a better mindset. I am not obligated to be who I was. I want to live for Jesus and I'm aware that I will have people trying to pull me away from that. Friends support growth and anyone who tries to bring me down is obviously not my friend. God has so much in store for me and for you. I'm not going to lower my standards to keep temporary people in my life anymore. If I can't honor God with them, they serve no purpose in my life.
     There are many habits I need to break that don't need to come into this year with me. I wouldn't exactly call this a "New Year, New Me" post because there's no way I can be "new." It's more of a me realizing that I have to stop being stubborn towards my relationship with God. I need to spend more time with God. I need to build our relationship before I can build relationships with others.
     So here's to a year of becoming closer to our great Lord. Hello 2015.

"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


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